Van Gogh Painting LLC does not cut corners but we make sure to paint them perfectly! We use only the finest products and techniques that we have mastered over our 39 years in business. From any small job to living room to an entire house facelift, we do it right.
At Van Gogh Painting LLC we have found through experience that a systematic approach helps us to deliver the quality interior house painting job that we have promised you.
Van Gogh Painting LLC has experienced contractors with years of experience who have provided our customers with quality home improvement work including complete remodeling, periodic maintenance, as well as handling minor repairs or projects since 1974.
Our company has seen our business increase every year, primarily from the many client referrals we have received based upon the high quality of work and reasonable pricing that we provide. In return, as we have grown, we have been able to hold our prices at the 2006 level for all of our customers. Van Gogh Painting LLC is proud to be an accredited business.
We provide everything from carpentry, electrical, fence repairs, flooring, painting, plumbing, roofing repairs, texturing, and tile repair; to room additions, patios or new commercial construction. We also install a large number of products as well including: ceiling fans, lighting fixtures, cabinets, doors, floors, windows, and tile. If it’s under your roof, outside your house, or in your yard, we can work on it. Usually, we can do it all! If not, then we are the first to tell you and then offer qualified referrals to someone who can take care of your needs.
We pride ourselves in having our owner David or our foreman on site at all times. We want our clients to be able to communicate with us throughout the entire project. Our highly trained staff are all experts in the little things like Furniture, Trim & Woodwork, Doors & Windows, Floors & Rugs and Decorative hardware.
When we arrive at your residence, we guarantee that we will take great care with your home.
If you feel that your home, business or other project deserves the absolute best then call Van Gogh Painting LLC today at (862)368-2973.